25.09.2014 / Ankara
The first group of council members numbering 150 to attend the Council Member Seminar are attending a busy three day program at TOBB and TOBB ETU.
Addressing the council members on the first and last day of the seminar, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have nearly ten thousand council members in our 365 chambers and commodity exchanges. We have engaged in this project in order to promote our endeavors and to benefit council members.”
Calling to mind the saying, “the most beneficent of men is he who benefits others,” Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the council members are representing their professions in their respective provinces and stressed the importance of information in this regard. Speaking on the democratic nature of the elections in chambers and commodity exchanges, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Asking for votes from the people you compete against for four years is one of the most difficult things in the world.”
Emphasizing that council members give of themselves, without pay, the TOBB President thanked the council members for their self-abnegation.
- Cities will compete
Stating that we are entering a period when cities are being talked about and are competing, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This is one of the most important trends in the world. That is why everyone needs to better their city. Everyone should be asking how to draw in more investors. Everyone in the city should be business-friendly. That is the road to prosperity. If you facilitate the activities of businessmen and facilitate doing business, your city will pull ahead. The important thing is to move in unison. Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent. We all think differently but common sense must emerge from diversity.
Our mission is to collect the views of our members, consolidate them into a decision at council and pass it on to a higher authority. We are unable to formulate legislation. However, if there is a mistake, it is our duty work to address it. Dialogue and a conciliatory stance is very important for this. We must stand with our local and provincial public administrators.
No matter what views we hold, we cannot exclude anyone. We must embrace all. We must generate a commonality for the joint future of the city.”
Stating that when he first took office, TOBB was importing information, whereas now outside agencies are seeking to benefit from TOBB’s experiences, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Well done if you employ people. Seek ways to grow your business. Set goals for yourself. Do not limit yourselves. Turn your dreams into goals. Work hard. Allah gives unto those who work hard.”
Emphasizing that the greatest need of the country is entrepreneurs, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is entrepreneurs that we need, not public servants or administrators.” TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu urged council members to take more advantage of the internet, calling for them to include their children in their work and to work in unity, to cooperate.
- Minister Çelik hosted at the training program
Also attending a part of the Council Member Seminar was the Labor and Social Security Minister Faruk Çelik. Pointing out that the most advanced countries are the ones which have resolved the education issue, Çelik said, “We must be a country which produces technology,” stating that high added value goods are produced by well educated people.
Stating that Turkey has achieved important successes in the economy, Minister Çelik touched on lolcalization and the successes of various provinces. Faruk Çelik also answered questions from council members.
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