In accordance with the views shared by the Chambers and Turkish Sectoral Assemblies, to transmit the consolidated views of the private sector as regards the acquis and the environment chapter to the relevant institutions, to follow up and track developments on the subject,
» To form a link with the relevant institutions and cooperate, with the goal of tackling issues shared by enterprises as regards the environment sent via the Chambers,
» To encourage industrial enterprises to focus on clean technologies, the utilization of environmentally friendly goods during processes and to support efforts made to increase environmental awareness,
» To transmit the views of the Union on the subject at events such as meetings, council meetings, seminars, committee meetings,
» In accordance with views sent by manufacturers and businessmen via the Chambers and Sectoral Assemblies, to compile these views forming a Union paper on the matter and transmitting them to the relevant institutions,
» To forward notices and information received from public institutions as regards the environment to the Chambers.
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