05.09.2014 / Kayseri
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the “6th Developing Cities Summit” held by the Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Partnership Association (GYODER) and the Kayseri Greater Municipality. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the summit had previously been held in Konya and Gaziantep and that the prominent of characteristic behind the success of these two cities is unity.
Reporting that there are three main topics concerning the international business community, Hisarcıklıoğlu said:
“Firstly, the rapid expansion of the middle class. Every year, the population of the global middle class increases by the equivalent of twice that of Turkey. This greatly increases the importance of urbanization. Within the next 10 years, 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities with economic activity also congregating in cities. It is for this reason that smart cities are gaining importance. We must follow global trends closely. Secondly, we must have a shared goal for cities. We can achieve our goals if there is unity and solidarity. Thirdly, the export of goods has been eclipsed by the export of entrepreneurs.” Stating that 60% of the business creators in the Silicon Valley were born outside of the USA, Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that all countries and cities are attempting to draw in investors.
Hisarcıklıoğlu drew attention to the fact that services in cities must focus on three fundamental principles: “Public administration and vision must be present. But this is not enough; there must also be the cooperation of the world of academia. Everyone is an equal partner in the Spatial Strategy Plan. The public administration, private sector and academia must come together and prepare Turkey’s Spatial Strategy Plan. I would like to thank the administration for their participatory democracy approach.”
- Environment and Urbanization Minister İdris Güllüce
The Environment and Urbanization Minister İdris Güllüce spoke in regards to the development of cities, as well as the considerations administrators and engineers must have in preserving centuries old values when planning.
Also touching on the fact that Turkey is an earthquake-prone country, Güllüce stated that this must also be taken into consideration.
Stating that “the New Turkey” is developing in all fields, Güllüce went on to stress the importance of urban renovation as well as the need to maintain a multi-focal viewpoint in assessing the needs of Turkey.
Kayseri Greater Municipality Director Mehmet Özhaseki spoke to the attendees in regards to the investment opoortunities in Kayseri.
- Energy and Natural Resources Minister Yıldız
Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız stated that all factions who could benefit the development of a city are present at the meeting.
Stating that industrialization and urbanization processes have economic, social and political aspects, Yıldız emphasized their effects and people’s quality of life.
Yıldız went on to call attention to the need for basing the increase of real-estate value on actual production.
GYODER President Aziz Torun pointed out that real estate sector is rapidly growing in parallel to Turkey’s economy.
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