02.06.2014 / TRNC
Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’s “Radiance Upon the Desert” prestige edition was gifted by Hisarcıklıoğlu to the children amid much cheering and a joyous environment.
Speaking at the ceremony which took place at the school yard, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed the importance of a name for schools.
Pointing out that Hala Sultan was the Prophet’s (PBuH) adopted aunt and had traveled to Cyprus for its conquest, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We wanted to present with a book which talks about the life of our Prophet in an eloquent manner on the last day of school. This book is one of the masterpieces of the great master of the Turkish language Necip Fazıl Kısakürek.”
Emphasizing that the book is one which they can refer to during any stage of their lives Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Dear children, the mannerisms of our Prophet, His words and ethics are the greatest inheritance he has left us. We must make these the central tenets of our lives. This book will act as a guide in this regard.”
The School Principal İsmail Kaşot said, “It is very joyous to have the TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu with us, who is very precious for us and has given us great hope. This is an institution of the utmost importance for us. That is why this is a very happy occasion for us.”
Kaşot went on: “We will not forget this gracious gesture at the end of the term by President Hisarcıklıoğlu. I would like to extend my gratitude to him for all he has done for us.
We strive to derive maximum benefit from each contribution in order to give more to the education of our children. That is why we will never forget the contributions of the TOBB President”.
Emphasizing the importance of Necip Fazıl as a poet and writer, İsmail Kaşot said, “I hope that our children will learn much from this book during the summer.”
Also attending the ceremony were TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete, TOBB Presidential Council Member Faik Yavuz, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Chairman Adil Konukoğlu and TOBB BİS Board Director Ahmet Şekeroğlu, Cyprus Science, Ethics and Social Support Foundation Hikmet Kaynarca, teachers and students.
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