TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his message regarding the announcement of the martyring of Air Force Captain Gökhan Ertan and Air Force Lieutenant Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy, who were shot down by Syria, stated that this anguish is felt at the heart of our nation and that the heroes who gave their lives for their country would never be forgotten.
"/>04.07.2012 / Ankara
TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his message regarding the announcement of the martyring of Air Force Captain Gökhan Ertan and Air Force Lieutenant Hasan Hüseyin Aksoy, who were shot down by Syria, stated that this anguish is felt at the heart of our nation and that the heroes who gave their lives for their country would never be forgotten.
In his message, Hisarcıklıoğlu said:
“We have learned to our great sorrow that the bodies of our 2 pilots who were shot down by Syria. Our martyred pilots will live on in the hearts of our people, remembered forever more with gratitude. We will never forget the heroes who became martyrs while undertaking difficult and painful mission for the love of their country.
On behalf of the business world, I pray for the grace of Allah upon our martyrs and present my condolences to their family and loved ones.”
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