Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Faik Yavuz attended EMD awards ceremony

02.08.2017 / Ankara

TOBB Executive Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz attended the “9th Golden Pen Economy Press Achievement Awards” ceremony organized by the Economy Correspondents' Association (EMD).​

Mr. Faik Yavuz accepted a plaque on behalf of TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu for his support to the Golden Pen Economy Press Achievement Awards.

Habertürk Newspaper's reporter Deniz Çiçek received her award from TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz in the National Economy Newspaper Article category.

The works and journalists who received EMD's Golden Pen award are as follows:

Economy Newspaper Article (National): Köprü ve Otoyollarda Milyarlık Kaçak-Deniz Çiçek (Habertürk)

Economy Newspaper Article (Local): Maden Bitince Turizm Başlar-Tuğçe Doğaneli Kamacı (Ege Telgraf Gazetesi)

Economy Column: TÜİK'ten İnanılmaz Hata-Alaattin Aktaş (Dünya Gazetesi)

Economy Agency Article: Kuru Göz Damlasıyla 100 Milyon Liralık Zarar-Özcan Yıldırım (AA)

TV News-Interview: Asgari Ücret Düşecek-Ahmet Ergen (NTV)

Internet Journalism Economy Article: İnsanlığı Kurtaracak Memba Uzayda-Fatma Gökcen Tuncer (Bloomberg HT)

Özden Alpdağ Speacil Award: Prof. Dr. Şükrü Kızılot

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