22.02.2015 / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia
Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is no longer possible to stand by oneself. The future of our economies is closely tied to how well integrated they are into the global markets.”
The first Regional Consultation Forum organized by B20 Turkey was held in in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Attending the Forum were Prime Minister Deputy Ali Babacan, Saudi Arabian Finance Minister Dr. İbrahim Abdulaziz Al-Assaf as well as almost all of the TOBB Board. Regional Forums will take place in India, Singapore, China, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico, South Africa and Russia.
During the opening notes of the Forum, TOBB and B20 Turkey President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu provided information in regards to plans for Turkey’s term presidency.
Hisarcıklıoğlu, stressing the matter of globalization, said, “20-30 years ago, countries used to stand on their own, reveling in the fact that they were self-sufficient. Today, we stand at a much different situation, globalization is active in all fields. It is no longer possible to stand by oneself. The future of our economies is closely tied to how well integrated they are into the global markets. We gain maximum benefit from globalization if decisions are made together, if all parties are included in the decision making process.”
Providing information on G20’s mission, structure and goals, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It is very important to increase cooperation between countries while searching for solutions to the problems brought on by globalization. Those facing the everyday results of globalization on a first hand basis are businessmen. We must relate our problems to the G20 so that solutions might be found. This is what B20, the business arm of the G20, provides us. We businessmen must take active role in the B20 and work closely with the G20 for the prosperity of all.”
- SMEs will have a voice in B20 for the first time
Stating that they have made inclusivity the primary principle of the B20, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the B20 platform should be open to everyone who wants to contribute to the interests of the business world. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “For us, multinational companies as well as SMEs, developed countries as well as developing countries are of the utmost importance. We have implemented two new mechanisms to this end. The first is the establishment of the SMEs and Enterprise Task Farce. We will generate policy aimed to helping SMEs which provide the most employment, produce the most and ensure that wealth is distributed. We will also establish the World SME Forum with G20 and the ICC to guard SMEs rights.”
- Importance of regional consultation forums
In order to increase the inclusivity of B20, the second step of the regional consultation forums is behind held in Saudi Arabia, reported Hisarcıklıoğlu and said, “We have two goals when planning Regional Consultation Forums. First: We want to include the least represented rising market economies in the B20. Secondly: The goal of these meetings is to learn the views of non-G20 countries in regards to the B20.”
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