27.09.2014 / Kırşehir
The 27th Akhism Celebrations were held in Kırşehir. Attending the celebrations in TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu were Customs and Trade Minister Nurettin Canikli, Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer Çelik, Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Minister Lütfi Elvan, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Muş, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş, the AK Party Secretary General Haluk İpek, the AK Party Istanbul Rep. Hayati Yazıcı, TESK Chairman Bendevi Palandöken, President TESKOMB Abdulkadir Akgül, Kırşehir Governor Özdemir Çakacak and Kırşehir Mayor Yaşar Bahçeci
TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Akhism is not just an organization for tradesmen; it is also for traders and industrialists. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “These lands are famed for being a center for honest business. We are supporters of a great community inherited from the Seljuk and the Ottomans. We have received much support from Prime Minister Davutoğlu to this end. Our master Akhi Evran said, ‘Those who ask for right and patience of us are also of us.’ That is the principle we have also adopted.”
- Prime Minister Davutoğlu
Speaking in regards to the influential nature of Kırşehir in the formation of the Anatolian ethical structure, Davutoğlu stated that understanding Akhi Evran is crucial in this understanding their ethics, “Those who don’t understand Akhi Evran can’t understand the culture infused in these lands, the ethic infused into our souls and the sciences infused in our minds.”
Stating that they have met with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, TESK, TOBB and all syndicates, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that work safety is a humane responsibility which must be undertaken by all involved.
Speaking at the celebrations, Customs and Commerce Minister Nurettin Canikli stated that everything necessary to support trades- and craftsmen would be done. He also reported that the Akhi Shrine would be built as soon as possible.
- Sash donning ceremony
Following the speeches, State Theater Directorate players reenacted a “Sash Donning Ceremony” in which apprentices graduating to the status of master would put on their sashes.
Afterwards, the Akhism Honor Award was presented to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu by Customs and Commerce Minister Nurettin Canikli; Canikli and TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu garbed Davutoğlu with a sash.
Akhi of the Year Award was presented to Gülizar Camcı by Prime Minister Davutoğlu and his wife.
Akhism Service Award was presented to Şekerbank Board Chairman Hasan Basri Göktan by Customs and Commerce Minister Nurettin Canikli.
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