08.07.2014 / Washington / USA
Also present during the meeting were TOBB Board Members Şahin Bilgiç and Ebubekir Bal as well as TEPAV Director Prof. Dr. Güven Sak.
Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed the importance of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for Turkey and the USA and urged beginning talks with Turkey.
Relaying Turkey’s sensitivity to this matter, the TOBB President said, “Turkey should not be left out of the TTIP negotiation procedures. Turkey is an important player in the TTIP zone. It has the potential to take on major roles for the expansion of US and EU companies to the Middle East and North Africa. This is strengthened by the fact that a survey conducted on US companies indicates that Turkey and Poland are the most noteworthy countries for them at the moment.”
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