Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
54th Ä°KV General Assembly held in Ä°stanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Board Vice Chair Halim Mete attended the 54th Financial Development Foundation (İKV) General Assembly.​

Paper and Paper Products Council convened in Ä°stanbul

TOBB Turkey Paper and Paper Products Council convened under Council Chair Erdal Sükan in order to discuss the developments and problems of the sector in İstanbul. During the meeting, one of the most significant problems for domestic paper producers, the importing of foreign paper was discussed. It was stated that companies are having a difficult time in preparing documentation for applying for protective measure from the Economy Ministry in regards to unfair competition stemming from the importing of paper.​

German Chambers Union and German-Turkish TSO visit TOBB

German Union of Industry and Trade Chambers (DIHK) Secretary General Dr. Martin Wansleben and German-Turkish TSO (AHK) Board Members visited TOBB on July 21st and 22nd. Possible areas of cooperation and future joint workspaces for TOBB and DIHK were discussed.​

3,029 capacity reports verified in June

Of the 3,029 capacity reports verified in June, 970 were in İstanbul, 205 in Bursa, 2014 in Ankara, 175 in İzmir, 93 in Gaziantep and Kocaeli, 89 in Konya, 66 in Manisa, 61 in Adana and 60 in Tekirdağ.​​​

The number of newly established companies increased by 2,56% in June 2016 with respect to the previous month.

The number of newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships increased by 2,56%, 2,93% and 16,44% respectively, according to the previous month.​

SME Information Site drew 38,714 visitors in June 2016

The SME Information Site was visited by 42,877people in June 2016. The total number of hits between July 2015 and June 2016, a period of one year, was 482,817.​​​

Halim Mete attended the tourism sector seminar

Tourism Sector Seminar was held in cooperation by TOBB and the US Chamber of Commerce in İstanbul.​

62nd YOIKK Direction Committee convened

The 62nd YOİKK Direction Committee convened under Committee Chair Economy Minister Undersecretary İbrahim Şenel at the Undersecretariat of the Treasury.​

Plastics, rubbers and composites sectors form council

Representatives of plastics, rubbers and composites sectors connived at TOBB. The sector’s dependency on imports was discussed during the first meeting of the newly formed TOBB Turkey Plastics, Rubbers and Composites Sector Council.​

EU Information Centers Network hosted iftar in 20 provinces

Funded by the EU Turkey Delegation and carried out by TOBB, the EU Information Centers Network hosted iftar for refugees and groups hosting them in 20 cities on the occasion of the World Refugees Day.​

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