Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Expo sector focuses on branding

The expo sector has locked onto the goal of becoming the meeting platform of the global business community and branding. TOBB Turkey Expo Council Chair Cihat Alagöz emphasized the fact that incentives provided by KOSGEB would bring momentum to international expos organized in Turkey.​

SME Information Site drew 40,855 visitors in August 2016

The SME Information Site was visited by 40,855 people in August 2016. The total number of hits between September 2015 and August 2016, a period of one year, was 488,431.​​​​

Çağlar: “We are continuing to produce, open up to the world and grow”

TOBB Board Vice President İbrahim Çağlar attended the round table meeting of TOBB and the US Chamber of Commerce held in New York with the attendance of Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci. Speaking at the meeting attended by the representatives of prominent US companies, İbrahim Çağlar provided information regarding the efforts to proliferate economic relations with the US Chamber of Commerce since 2012 in light of the coup attempt of July 15th as well as general information in regards to Turkey’s economy.​

Aydın CC Chair Ülken begins his term as TOBB Board Member

Following the resignation of the Denizli Chamber of Commerce (Denizli CC) Chair Necdet Özer, Aydın CC Chair Hakan Ülken has taken over as a Member of the Board of Directors of TOBB in his stead. ​

2,255 capacity reports verified in August

2,255 capacity reports verified in August by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.​

İbrahim Burkay attended Kuwait and Qatar visits

TOBB Board Member and Bursa CCI Chair İbrahim Burkay attended the Development Minister Lütfi Elvan’s 19-21 September Kuwait and Qatar visit.​

TOBB MEYBEM authorized to provide services in 7 new fields

TOBB – MEYBEM Vocational Proficiency and Certification Centers have been authorized to provide examination and certification in 7 new professions.​

The number of newly established companies increased by %44,51 in August 2016 with respect to the previous month.

The number of newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships increased by %44,51, 59,56% and 47,62% respectively, according to the previous month.​

Turkey guest of honor at Baltic Business Forum

Baltic Business Forum was held in Swinoujscie, Poland, between the 14th and 16th of September, 2016. Attending the forum representing TOBB was TOBB Foreign Affairs Commission Chair H. Ruhi Koçak. Turkey was the guest of honor at the Forum attended by Polish Development Deputy Minister Jerzy Kwiecinski and Swinoujscie Governor.​

416 expos to be held in 2017

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey has published the 2017 Expo Calendar. A total of 416 expos, 114 of them international, have been approved for 2017.​

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