Former Deputy Commissioner Prof. Günter VERHEUGEN Advising TOBB President |
Turkish Economic Policy Research Foundation (TEPAV) |
Economic Development Foundation (İKV) |
The light of truth emerges from a clash of ideas (*)
TEPAV was established by a group of businessmen, bureaucrat and academic who believe that any knowledge to be generated any idea to be developed contributes to Turkey's bright future. TEPAV was founded in December 2004 with the mission to conduct research that improves the knowledge content of discussions in Turkey.
Aiming to contribute to public policy design with its studies, TEPAV's research focuses on concrete policy matters and presents the results in the form of concrete and feasible policy recommendations.
Apart from developing policy recommendations, TEPAV devises projects in certain fields and contributes to the materialization of these projects. TEPAV conducts studies to monitor and evaluate the public policies in effect and organizes training programs and meetings to supplement these studies.
TEPAV sticks to its objective and non-partisan stance in its studies without compromising the academic ethics and quality.
Economics, Governance and Foreign Policy
TEPAV carries out studies in three main fields: "Economics", "Governance" and "Foreign Policy". In this context, TEPAV operates with seven research institutes.
The firstly established Economic Policy Research Institute - EPRI concentrates on conducting policy analyzes devoted to understand and secure the sustainability of the economic transformation process Turkey goes through. Projects and analyzes conducted by EPRI seek to promote the making of correct decisions and assure the efficient use of resources over the transformation process.
Stability Institute - SI is the second TEPAV institute established in 2006 upon the determination that stability is too important and valuable to be resigned at the hands of the government and the wisdom of the society alone. Stability Institute monitors public policies and international developments to shed light on policies and practices that have implications on stability and thus to help the government and other public institutions in informing the public.
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