Former Deputy Commissioner Prof. Günter VERHEUGEN Advising TOBB President |
Turkish Economic Policy Research Foundation (TEPAV) |
Economic Development Foundation (İKV) |
About İKV
Economic Development Foundation (IKV) was established on the initiative of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Istanbul Chamber of Industry in 1965, in order to inform the Turkish business world and the public about developments in the European Union (EU) and Turkey-EU relations. Since its establishment, IKV has become a respectable and effective specialised organisation on EU and Turkey-EU relations both in Turkey and in the EU, through its seminars, researches, publications, lobbying activities and the close cooperation it has conducted with foreign and domestic institutions.
Over the years, IKV has broadened the area of its activities as well as the number of its trustee institutions and supporters, in parallel to the developments in Turkey-EU relations. Particularly, following the confirmation of Turkey's candidacy for EU membership at Helsinki Summit in December 1999, IKV intensified its activities taking into account the requirements of the membership process. IKV, with the support of the representative organisations of the Turkish business world, has also undertaken the task of coordinating the relations of Turkish business world with the EU and the government in the areas concerning Turkey-EU relations.
As agreed on December 17 2004 by the heads of state and government of the 25 EU member states, accession negotiations with Turkey started on the 3rd of October 2005. In the course of this important and challenging process, IKV's activities are focused on informing the Turkish public concerning the issues formulating the agenda of European Union and Turkey-EU relations. Special emphasis will be given to the accession negotiations; ensuring the active participation of the business world and NGOs in the process; and promoting Turkey in the EU members.
• To contribute to the economic and social development of Turkey;
• To carry out the work necessary in order to assist Turkey to develop relations with other countries, economic groups and in particular with the EU;
• To inform the Turkish public and in particular Turkish private sector and business world on EU and Turkey-EU relations;
• To publish studies prepared by IKV or studies commissioned to specialised organisations;
• To ensure cooperation and coordination within the business world in Turkey as well as abroad;
• To formulate opinions concerning Turkey-EU relations, through cooperation and exchange of information with all interested public and private organisations;
• To continuously follow the developments in the EU, and to inform the public about the effects of these developments on Turkey;
• To promote Turkey abroad.
• To organise seminars, conferences and colloquia on issues concerning EU and Turkey-EU relations;
• To prepare comprehensive studies and publications;
• To develop projects contributing to Turkey-EU integration process;
• To promote, in close cooperation with various domestic and foreign individuals and organisations, Turkey in EU and EU within Turkish private sector and the public.
• Research and Publications: Since its establishment the number of research published by IKV, in all areas of EU and Turkey-EU relations, now approaches 550. Among the various research carried out are: "EU Acquis and Turkey's Harmonisation Series", "Glossary of Basic Concepts on EU and Turkey-EU Relations", "The Benefits of EU Membership to Turkey's Citizens", "15 EU Policies in 15 Questions", "Misconceptions on EU and Turkey-EU Relations", "The Effects of the Customs Union on Turkey's Economy", "European Union Funds Available for Turkey, A User's Guide", "Turkey's Participation in European Community Programmes", "A Guide to Accession Negotiations with the European Union", "Copenhagen Economic Criteria and Turkey".
IKV also has periodical publications such as:
• Bulletin: the bi-monthly IKV bulletin published since 1994, aims at informing the Turkish public and the private sector about the significant developments both in the EU and in Turkey-EU relations on a regular basis .
• E-Bulletin: In addition to the bi-monthly IKV bulletin, a weekly e-bulletin is circulated since the beginning of 2005. The e-bulletin is sent every week to more than 8000 subscribers in the IKV database.
• Almanac: An Almanac that contains critical developments in the EU and Turkey-EU relations, prepared chronologically and supported by visual materials is published at the end of each year.
• Projects:
- Projects aiming to develop cooperation between enterprises: IKV, supported by and in cooperation with the European Commission, has acted as the representative in Turkey for several programmes aiming to promote cooperation between SMEs in various areas such as commercial, technical, financial, research and development (Europartenariat, Europartner, Medpartenariat, Enterprise, Business Partnerships etc.). IKV has been deemed the most successful "National Representative" for 5 consecutive years and is the only organisation which can put forward such a claim in 80 countries, which participate in the aforementioned programmes.
- Training and Informative Projects: IKV perceives the integration process with the EU as a project that requires conscious participation and support of the entire society. In order to enhance the integration of the society with the process and increase public support by overcoming the lack of knowledge on EU matters, IKV focuses on training and informative projects towards all layers of society including the business world. "Turkey-EU Seminars in the Pre-Accession Process", "The Effects of Implementation of the Acquis Communautaire on the Turkish Business World" and "Accession Negotiations Process with the EU" are the latest projects carried out in this context.
• Seminars, conferences and other colloquia: With the participation of experts and authorities from Turkey and the EU, IKV organises informative seminars, conferences and other colloquia concerning current issues in the EU and Turkey-EU relations.
• Formulating basic views and opinions: IKV monitors changes in the EU and Turkey-EU relations and develops, through constant dialogue and exchange of information with the public and private sector, various opinions and suggestions on behalf of Turkish private sector. IKV, plays a leading role in the pre-accession process, in particular with reports and strategy papers it prepares and communicates to the government; gives briefings to high level authorities within the ministries and various committees of the Parliament in particular EU and Foreign Affairs Committees. IKV also participates in specialized institutions set up by public institutions.
• Coordination, promotion and lobbying:
- Through its Brussels Office, IKV carries out extensive promotion activities in particular vis-à-vis the EU institutions and the member state delegations.
- IKV ensures a regular flow of information, including activities undertaken by Turkey in the harmonisation process, to the European Commission and Parliament as well as to the NGOs and foreign media representatives; supports and participates in the meetings in the member states; carries out lobbying activities by inviting to Turkey the authorities of the EU institutions and member states.
- IKV, with the support of Turkish business world representative organisations, has undertaken the task of coordinating relations with the EU institutions and public sector on EU matters. In this context, IKV executes versatile campaigns of communication, promotion and lobbying, with the participation of interested segments of the society, primarily "Turkey Platform", a gathering of more then 250 NGOs formed under IKV's coordination, with the aim of supporting Turkey's EU membership.
- IKV actively participates in the activities of the European Union Communication Group (ABİG), a joint initiative bringing together Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretariat General for the EU Affairs, Union of Chambers, Maritime Chambers and Stock Exchanges of Turkey, Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Association and IKV in order to inform EU citizens on Turkey and the contributions of Turkey's membership.
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