Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Selçuk Öztürk attended Education Council meeting

31.10.2018 / Ankara

TOBB Vice Chairman Selçuk Öztürk attended the Turkey Education Council meeting, with Minister of National Education Dr. Ziya Selcuk as guest. Özturk stated that families who want to teach their children in private schools should be offered a special financing package, “If education is a must, we have to provide the conditions for better education for those who demand and deserve it.”​

Özturk, in his speech at the TOBB Turkey Education Council meeting held in the TOBB Social Facilities, with the participation of National Education Minister Ziya Selçuk, stated that the world is undergoing a process in which established truths are rapidly changing.

Özturk pointed out that people have an unprecedented access to information and products in history. He added that innovations are heralds of greater revolutions.

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