Speaking at the 30th annual American-Turkish Council (ATC) conference in Washington, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the model partnership between the two countries as defined by the USA President Barak Obama should be a goal to strive for by everyone.
"/>31.10.2011 / Washington ABD
Speaking at the 30th annual American-Turkish Council (ATC) conference in Washington, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the model partnership between the two countries as defined by the USA President Barak Obama should be a goal to strive for by everyone.
The 30th annual conference American-Turkish Council (ATC) was attended by the President of TOBB Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister of National Defense İsmet Yılmaz.
During his speech at the conference, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that in order to ascertain how a model partnership would work out the economic structures and needs of both countries must be analyzed, that Turkey, which is now very different from what it was 30 years ago, is the world’s 16th largest economy.
Stating that the change in Turkey’s economy did not happen overnight, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that Turkey’s success is important for both Turkey’s and the Arabian Spring’s future.
Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that Turkey’s model is the most inspiring model for other countries.
- “Developing bonds must be focused on”
Stating that Turkey’s economy is shifting towards one with innovation as its driving force, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the model partnership between Turkey and USA needs to be built according to this new economic structure of Turkey.
Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “If model partnership is to help Turkey’s transformation and promote an innovation driven economy, the developing bonds between the two country’s entrepreneurs, investors and scientists must be focused on.”
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu related that the model partnership between the two countries was not at the desired level but that there was a political will to advance it and that it needs to be supported by the activities of the private sector and the business world.
Hisarcıklıoğlu said that in order to increase Turkey’s market share in the USA, products need to be developed together by Turkish and USA companies and joint technologies need to be developed.
Stating that an increasing momentum between the two countries needs to be taken advantage of, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Let’s continue making an effort for more cooperation and carry this strategic cooperation to a higher level by developing the economic side of our relations.”
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkey needs USA’s support regarding a fair and permanent solution to Turkey’s EU membership.
Also touching on the cooperation between the two countries regarding counter-terrorism, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that every aspect of relations between them should be strengthened and urged that the strategic cooperation between them should be carried to new heights by developing the economic aspect.
- Other speakers
American-Turkish Council (ATC) Board President Richard Armitage stated in his speech his pleasure in seeing the relations between Turkey and the USA develop in recent years.
Pointing out that, frequent Armenian proposals which have always strained Turkish-American relations are not brought up as much as they used to be, Armitage spoke of Turkey’s rapid economic growth with praise.
Armitage, touching on the subject of cooperation between the two countries against the terrorist organization, PKK, stated that cooperation to this end must also be increased.
Turkish-American Business Council (TAİK) President Haluk Dinçer, speaking about the development of Turkish economy, stated that Turkey has become an attractive center for foreign investment.
Stating that developing relations between the USA and Turkish private sector was impressive, Dinçer said that they await more USA investors in Turkey, “I hope that our relations with our American friends will develop and reach new heights.”
- Award for Tuncay Özilhan
Tuncay Özilhan was presented with a “Select Career Award” by the founders of the Anatolia Group at the start of the conference.
In his speech Özilhan said, “I am honored by this award you’ve given me for my contributions to the Turkish business life. It feels like a retirement present but I’ve no intention of retiring, I’m too young for that.”
Having started his career in the 70’s, Özilhan touched on how different Turkey was back then and that bringing the Anatolia Group to where it is today was not even fathomable.
“Our world then was limited to the Turkey market, whereas today we are proud of our presence in many countries and we form partnerships with global brands,” said Özilhan and talked about some of their partnerships with USA-based companies.
Stating their gratification at the success they’ve reached both nationally and internationally, Özilhan said that this success was closely linked to Turkey’s entrepreneurship.
It was also announced during the conference that the Coca Cola company would be sending an aid of billion dollars for the Van earthquake.
- Assistant Secretary of State Philip Gordon
Philip Gordon, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs stated in his speech at the 30th annual American-Turkish Council (ATC) Conference that they have no other more significant partners in many regards in the region other than Turkey, “We continue sincere dialog with our Turkish counterparts even on subjects that we do not see eye to eye on. The matters on which we work together show the depth and breadth of our shared political agenda and we plan on developing it even further.”
Continuing his speech by presenting his condolences for those who’ve lost their lives in the Van earthquake, Gordon also presented his condolences for the soldiers who were martyred during the heinous attack of the PKK terrorist organization in Çukurca.
Gordon stated that that the USA stands with Turkey against the threat of terror and that they would cooperate closely against this shared threat.
Stating that in his work in the US Foreign Affairs Ministry, they are in no relation which is as intensive among the 50 countries he is responsible for, Gordon said, “For many issues in the region, we have no partner more important than Turkey.”
Gordon stated that they are working closely regarding Libya and that they are in intense dialog regarding Syria.
Gordon related the importance of the economic relations between Turkey and the USA reaching new levels.
- Urging reconciliation for Turkey and Israel
Stating that the list of subjects of cooperation between Turkey and the USA is long, Gordon stated that there are also matters in which they have difference in opinions and that which they need to work on. He spoke about the deterioration of Turkey-Israel relations.
Gordon stated their disappointment in the failure of the attempts at restoring relations between Turkey and Israel.
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