Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Number of approved Domestic Goods Certificates decreased by 0.6% in the first 5 months

11.06.2020 / Ankara

In May 2020, there are 1,085 Domestic Goods Certificates active in the system. Of the 1,085 currently active documents, 788 are at high and medium high-tech levels, 297 are medium-low and low-tech.​

The domestic property documents approved in May; 273 in Tekirdağ, 142 in İstanbul, 92 in İzmir, 68 in Ankara, 56 in Konya, 49 in Kocaeli, 35 in Gaziantep, 34 in Sakarya, 23 in Bursa and 20 in Balıkesir.

In May 2020, 1,104 Domestic Property Certificates were approved, a decrease of 14.2% compared to May 2019.

In the first five months of 2020, 6,407 Domestic Goods Certificates were approved, a decrease of 0.6% compared to the same period in 2019. 

The total number of Active Domestic Goods Certificates in the TOBB Domestic Goods Certificate Database is 14,555.

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