Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Mete: We view Africa as a part of our shared future

12.03.2014 / İstanbul

TOBB Board Vice President and DEİK Board Member Halim Mete said, “Africa’s integration to the global system, taking its rightful place in the global economic system, while using its human and natural resources in the most efficient manner, to develop its economy is the shared hope of the Turkish private sector.”​

Mete spoke at the Turkey- Niger business supper held in honor of Niger President Issoufou Mahamadou, organized by TOBB and DEİK, stated that the diplomatic relations between the two countries which stretch back to the 15th century have been elevated to a new level through presidential level state visits.


Underlining the importance they put on the continent of Africa, Mete stated that they do not view Africa as a place for competition but instead, our shared future.


Stating that they view Africa taking its rightful place in the global system as a shared goal, Mete expounded that their expectation from Africa is the creation of a long term and productive partnership.


As the Turkish business community, we have observed to our great pleasure that there is great potential cooperation and that a strong will exists on both sides for further developing bilateral relations.


“We have yet to establish a business council with Niger. The Niger Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Crafts looks favorably on the establishment of a business council. We hope concrete steps will be taken towards this goal during the Joint Economic Council (KEK) meetings in May 2014.


Turkey-Africa Business Councils Coordination President Tamer Taşkın stated that the development of political and economic relations with the Africa continent has been an important part of Turkey’s international strategy in recent years. Taşkın stated that they wish to establish a Turkish-Niger Business Council as soon as possible.


Niger President Issoufou Mahamadou stated that İstanbul is the showcase of Turkey’s economic success and that Turkey is an exemplary country in regards to economic development.


Stating that Niger has become an important model for democracy, Mahamadou reported that his country has a completely independent justice system.


Emphasizing how rich Niger is in regards to subterranean resources as well as having significant potential for agriculture and animal husbandry.


Underlining the fact that Niger is open to all direct foreign investments, Mahamadou stated that his country aims to be the financial center of Western Africa.


Stating that they are ready to cooperate with Turkish investors, Mahamadou said, “We have a win-win mentality for any cooperation which may occur. This way, private investments between Turkey and Niger will increase significantly.”


Following President Mahamadou, the Niger Minister for Trade and Private Sector Alma Oumarou also gave a speech, providing more information on the viability of investing in Niger.


Afterwards, TOBB Vice President and DEİK Board Member Halim Mete presented President Mahamadou and the Turkish – African Business Council Coordination President Tamer Taşkın with commemorative gifts.

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