M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, expressed his condolences to Ambassador of Japan to Turkey for the earthquake and tsunami which happened on 11 th March 2011 and caused to the tragic loss of 12.000 people. ​
"/>11.04.2011 / Ankara
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, expressed his condolences to Ambassador of Japan to Turkey for the earthquake and tsunami which happened on 11 th March 2011 and caused to the tragic loss of 12.000 people. ​
He said that having a big economy and a hardworking nation, Japan is a strong country which will recover from the earthquake as soon as possible.
Kiyoshi Araki, Newly assigned Ambassador of Japan to Turkey, said that TOBB’s condolence letter, which was delivered on behalf of Turkish Private Sector both to Embassy of Japan and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), encouraged them and was much appreciated by the Ambassador.
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of TOBB, expressed that as an umbrella organization of Turkish private sector, they are ready to help Japan and they also share the sorrows of Japanese people due to the tragic loss of many people.
Ambassador Mr Araki, stated that they demand TOBB’s support both for improving and sustaining the bilateral economic relations between the two countries, emphasizing that in addition to the support of their own government and private sector, external support is vital, as well.
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