Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Investment environment and taxation policy discussed

12.11.2016 / Ilgaz / Kastamonu

The Investment environment and Taxation Policy Consultation Meeting held by TOBB and the Ministry of the Treasury took place with the attendances of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the Minister of the Treasury Naci Ağbal.​

During the meeting which took place closed to the press: Turkey’s place and development areas in Doing Business and Competitiveness Indices; tax breaks to increase investments and decreased institution tax; supporting advanced technology investments with taxation policy; practices to encourage company mergers and upscaling; burdens on Income Tax Tariffs and pricing; real estate rent and construction taxation; transitioning to UFRS reporting and evaluation principles in VUK; preserving taxpayer rights and encouraging taxpayer good practices; transfer pricing and hidden income transfer practices as well as sectoral taxation problems were discussed.

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