08.12.2015 / Ankara
Present at the visit were the directors or representatives of TOBB, TÜRK-İŞ, TESK, MEMURSEN, TÜRMOB, HAK-İŞ, TİSK, TEMAD, TÜRKONFED, TÜSİAD and MÜSİAD.
Speaking on behalf of the delegation, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the reason for their visit and said, “We are here to extend our condolences and express our profound sadness in the death of Diyarbakır Bar President Tahir Elçi. We want an end to this fight between brothers. Terrorism has never won and never will. We want peace. We must know that whatever happens domestically to threaten our unity and solidarity empowers the enemies of Turkey.”
Turkey Bars Union Chair Metin Feyzioğlu thanked the delegation, “Joys multiply as they are shared; sorrows are diminished. The loss of our Diyarbakır Bar President has been a shock for all of us. Terror in Turkey must be brought to an end.” He went on to state that the state must be preserved without compromising basic rights and freedoms and democracy.
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