The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Ten years ago, none of our chambers could undertake projects; they did not have the capability. There weren’t even any English speaking personnel. Now our chambers speak English and create projects.”
"/>12.11.2012 / Trabzon
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Ten years ago, none of our chambers could undertake projects; they did not have the capability. There weren’t even any English speaking personnel. Now our chambers speak English and create projects.”
TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the Trabzon Trade Exchange. Afterwards, attending the ceremony held at the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry in celebration of TOBB’s 60th Anniversary, Hisarcıklıoğlu presented the Council Members of the Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trabzon Trade Exchange and Of Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Stating that they are celebrating TOBB’s 60th Anniversary, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “People share their happy days with their families. We are a family of 10,500 with all the council members in Turkey. We’ve come to celebrate our 60th birthday with our family.”
“If there is a service or success, it is the shared success of us all,” said Hisarcıklıoğlu and went on, “There can be no success without unity and solidarity. As a community, the disagreements and resentment can’t last more than a couple of days among us. There have never been any long standing enmities between us; there will be disagreements and disputes but they will last only a day or two. When there is unity and solidarity in a family, then success is the success of a family 10,500. You are the only achiever of success.”
Stating that when he started his term, out of 365 chambers, only 5 had English speaking personnel, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “At the moment, there are only 10 chambers without English proficient personnel. Ten years ago, no chambers were able to produce projects; they did not have the capability. Now, they produce projects and have personnel proficient in English. As of last May, the sum received by chambers for projects including EU Projects was 410 million TL.”
TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that they have always increased quality and standards together, said, “Let me give you one example: the Sarp Border Gate. Do you know what modernization brought with it? Our total investments in all border gates reach 250 million TL. The state would have spent at least 500 million TL for it, and where would have that 500 million come from? Out of your pockets. You are taxpayers. If we do not produce, buy and sell and employ people, can there be taxes? If we don’t pay taxes how will the gears of state turn? The İpsala Gate took 15 years. When it was handed to me, it was only half done. The first thing we noticed was that the truck platforms weren’t large enough to house the trucks which would be using them.
Government funds were wasted for 15 years and if the project had been completed, it would not have been used by trucks. We conduct 50% of our trade via land customs gates. Before modernization, the wait time of trucks was twice what it is now. All the benefits calculated for a period of one year add up to a total profit of 410 million TL for the sector. Some ask us what TOBB and the chambers are doing. That is 410 million TL in my colleagues’ pocket. We are a role model for the world in this regard.”
- Economic developments
Providing information regarding the developments in the global economy, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Especially after Obama’s victory, the developments in global politics is of significant importance to us. Obama said that he would focus on domestic matters and that’s how he got a lot of his votes. This would be beneficial for the USA as well as for other countries.”
Stating that waste is a great part of the reason for the crisis underway in European Union countries, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Ten years ago, we went through the same thing. They wasted so much, hopefully they will be more thrifty from now on because they are one of our most important trade partners. Our exports have fallen from 60% to 40%. It is a large market. The richer they are, the more the market will be open to us. The ones who will benefit the most from it are us.”
- Current deficit is our chronic sickness
TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkey is one of the fastest countries to leave the crisis behind and that this is thanks to the Turkish private sector.
Touching on the matter of international credit rating organizations increasing Turkey’s credit score, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This will allow our credit interest rates to drop, which will allow the country in terms of loans. When interest rates drop, the burden for our country will be lighter. There is, however, a risk involved in this; if too much foreign currency enters the domestic market, their value will drop. That will distress our exporters. The decisions made by those in charge of the economy and the relevant ministers are correct but do nothing to reduce current deficit. We have a chronic sickness and it is the current deficit. Industrial and energy policy must be at a point where they would decrease current deficit.”
- Other speakers
TTSO Council President Ali Osman Ulusoy stated that TOBB is having its best days under President Hisarcıklıoğlu and that they would like to see him at the helm of the organization as much as conditions permit.
TTSO Board President M. Suat Hacısalihoğlu stated that they had, as the Trabzon business community, relayed their requests and the reasons thereof to President Hisarcıklıoğlu and thanked him for his support.
TTB Council President Mehmet Cirav stated that TOBB has accomplished many important deeds in various fields under Hisarcıklıoğlu’s Presidency and expressed that he wanted Hisarcıklıoğlu to remain in office for another term.
Of TSO Council President Zuhal Akyüz expressed what a great joy it is to be part of such a community and that they are overjoyed to be celebrating TOBB’s 60th Anniversary.
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