Publishing a message in regards to the August 30th Victory Holiday, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, "Those who look to the history of our nation, which has lived in peace in these lands for centuries, will see that no underhanded game or plan can change the essence of this country."
"/>29.08.2012 / Ankara
Publishing a message in regards to the August 30th Victory Holiday, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, "Those who look to the history of our nation, which has lived in peace in these lands for centuries, will see that no underhanded game or plan can change the essence of this country."
Hisarcıklıoğlu stated in his message:
"We are, once again, celebrating the August 30th Victory Holiday with great pride. The Supreme Command Field Battle, which started on the August 26th, 1922 and ended on the 30th in Dumlupınar under the command of Mustafa Kemal, is our declaration to the whole world of reclaiming the invaded lands of our country and that our homeland is dearer to us than our lives.
This victory is the clear indication that our nation's love for independence and the unacceptability of yielding to the will of another. The Republic of Turkey, founded on the sacrifices and the blood of martyrs, stands united with all its citizens. It is a democratic state of law. No underhanded game or plan can change the essence of this country. Those who live in this country are like finger and nail. Just like the streams meet with the sea, the residents of this country have come together to never part again.
We feel indebted and thankful to all those who laid the foundations for such concepts as homeland, nation, independence and flag through their efforts and sacrifices, the Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk chief among them.
As the Turkish business world, we have given our word to carry our country to the forefront of civilization as witnessed by our nation. It is with these thoughts and feelings that I celebrate the August 30th Victory Holiday of our people."
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