Speaking at the “Turk-Turkmen Business Forum organized in cooperation between the Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEİK) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), TOBB/DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As the sun rises once again on the East, our geography presents us with many opportunities. In this new era, the cooperation of Turkey and Turkmenistan could change the fate of the whole region. Turkey and Turkmenistan are the leading actors of this region.”
"/>01.03.2012 / İstanbul
Speaking at the “Turk-Turkmen Business Forum organized in cooperation between the Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEİK) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), TOBB/DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As the sun rises once again on the East, our geography presents us with many opportunities. In this new era, the cooperation of Turkey and Turkmenistan could change the fate of the whole region. Turkey and Turkmenistan are the leading actors of this region.”
The forum, held at the Çırağan Palace, was attended by TOBB/DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President Abdullah Gül, Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan, DEİK Turk-Turkmen Business Council President Sefa Gömdeniz and approximately 600 businessmen.
Hisarcıklıoğlu, addressing President Abdullah Gül at the start of his speech, “Right after your election to presidency in 2007, we visited Turkmenistan with a large group. We were greeted with generous hospitality. We returned with great expectations. From that day forth, we have worked to strengthen our cooperation with Turkmenistan. Today, we are overjoyed with hosting President Berdimuhamedow in our country. The will of our presidents give us hope and energy.”
Stating that Turkmenistan has surged ahead in a development burst under the leadership of the Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Contrary to many countries of the region, you brought the vision of industrialization to your country instead of prosperity based purely on natural resources. We are watching the Turkmenistan 2011-2030 National Socio-Economic Development Program with admiration.”
- “The Turkmen people know that freedom and prosperity go hand in hand”
Emphasizing that they support the industrialization movement in Turkmenistan, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they are ready to provide any and all support needed.
Stating that Turkmenistan has been the fastest growing country in Central Asia for the last 5 years, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “While the whole world struggles with global crisis, Turkmenistan has largely continued to grow and undertake giant investments. Today, Turkmenistan is growing steadily day by day and advancing confidently on the path that it chose.
There is a bright future for the hardworking Turkmen people under your leadership. The Turkmen people know that freedom and prosperity go hand in hand.”
- “It brings us great joy that you would meet with the Turkish business world”
Stating that he has observed that the Turkmen people have put their hopes on Berdimuhamedow, Hisarcıklıoğlu spoke: “Their love and support for you has been shown again during the elections two weeks ago. You have been elected as Turkmenistan President once again by landslide vote.
We heartily congratulate you for winning the election by the vote of your whole nation.
We hope that this new term will be beneficial for both you and the whole Turkmen nation.”
- “Turkey and Turkmenistan are the leading actors of this region”
“The sun is rising from the East once again. The global problems we’re experiencing are the birth pains of this transformation,” said Hisarcıklıoğlu and went on, “As the sun rises once again on the East, our geography presents us with many opportunities. In this new era, the cooperation of Turkey and Turkmenistan could change the fate of the whole region. Turkey and Turkmenistan are the leading actors of this region. We can reach new horizons for the Turkish world. With the power we hold, the Turkish geography can become the center of peace and prosperity.
Today, the number of projects our contractors have completed in Turkmenistan has reached 1000, valued at a total of 25 billion Dollars. Our industrial sector is making its largest investments in Turkmenistan. The cultural bonds between us are strengthening further every day. All of these are our joint successes.”
- “We are grateful to Presidents Gül and Berdimuhamedow”
Stating that they are grateful to Presidents Gül and Berdimuhamedow for their efforts in strengthening the financial and economic cooperation between Turkey and Turkmenistan, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “You have opened up a great and important path. If we want to make our people prosper even more, we must increase the strength of this cooperation even more in the new term. We must focus on big goals. In the coming term, we want Turkish firms to not only invest in Turkmenistan but also form partnerships and contribute to the accumulation of the Turkmenistan private sector.
We wish to take part in joint agricultural projects as the price of agricultural goods in the global markets is steadily increasing. We want to revitalize the historical Silk Road with a comprehensive railroad, overland transportation network and energy corridors in order to transform our region into a trade base. We are ready to start projects and progress rapidly in all of these fields.”
- “An open heart will find an open path”
Hisarcıklıoğlu continued his speech: “By strengthening the bilateral and multilateral cooperation between us, we will carry the Turkish world into a bright future in the 21st century. As the Turkmen proverb says: An open heart will find an open path. Our hearts are wide open to our Turkmen brothers. I believe that this strong political will, our paths will always be open.
We will shortly experience one of the best examples of this will shortly. The bilateral talks which will take place shortly will be attended by Turkmen ministers. It will be an environment for the exchange of ideas. I hope that these meetings will be a precursor to prosperity and salute you with my deepest respects.”
- President Gül
President Abdullah Gül, addressing the Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow as “My dear brother”, expressed his happiness at being together with Turkish-Turkmen businessmen.
Stating that when Turkmenistan declared its independence 20 years ago on February 29th, Turkey was the first country to recognize it, Gül said that this was celebrated along with Berdimuhamedow’s state visit to Turkey the previous day.
President Gül stated that Turkmenistan has made many big advances in the last 20 years and that every time he visits Ashkhabad he finds it changed, becoming one of the most modern cities in the world.
Stating that the contributions of Turkish businessmen, especially those in construction, are well known, Gül said, “Without a doubt, you are proving yourselves thanks to the trust put in you, for the chance you’ve been given. I would like to thank and my present my utmost gratitude to the Turkmen authorities and my brother President Berdimuhamedow for putting their trust in you and giving you the opportunity.”
- Turkmenistan President Berdimuhamedow
The Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow emphasized that Turkish businessmen have contributed to the social and economic development of Turkmenistan and undertaken many projects.
Stating that Turkmenistan is in trade relations with over 100 countries in the world and that Turkey is among “the biggest and most respected of partners,” Berdimuhamedow said that according to 2011 data, the trade between the two countries has passed the 3.6 million Dollar mark, 2.8 times the figures reached in 2007.
Pointing out the potential fields of cooperation which could be supported to further bilateral affairs, Berdimuhamedow drew attention to natural gas, electricity production, communication, transportation and tourism.
- Economy Minister Çağlayan
The Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan recalling that the Turk-Turkmen Business Council Meeting was held in Ashkhabad stated that they have discussed very important economic matters with the Turkmenistan President, Gurbanguly Muhamedow.
Stating that Turkey-Turkmenistan relations are on their 20th year, Çağlayan said that he has visited Turkmenistan over 10 times to date and that their meetings with TOBB and professional organizations have always reflected well on economic and commercial affairs.
- Turkmenistan Export Goods Promotion Fair
During the forum attended by many Turkish companies from many different sectors such as textiles and telecommunications, TOBB/DEİK President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President Abdullah Gül, Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan and the Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız toured the “Turkmenistan Export Goods Promotion Fair.
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