Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Creative Industries Council Evaluates Incentives for the Sector

14.06.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkey Creative Industries Council meeting was held with the participation of the Ministry of Trade, General Directorate of International Service Trade.​

TOBB Board of Directors Member Ömer Zeydan stated that the Council has become a formation consulted with directly by all public institutions in the developments concerning the creative industries and whose opinions are given importance, and that the Council has been elected to the 29th Session of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO. He thanked the Council Members who contributed to his election as a Member of the General Assembly.

Council President A. Ata Kavame and Council Vice President Nej Nejla Güvenç shared about the recent activities of the Council.

Duygu Çeçen Yaygır, Head of the Department of Cultural Services and Creative Industries of the Ministry of Trade, and related experts gave a detailed information about the “Decision on the Identification, Classification and Support of Service Exports” published in the Official Gazette on April 20, 2022.

In the following agenda item, an informative presentation was made by the ministry bureaucrats on the “Decision on the Internationalization of the Turkish Informatics Sector and the E-Turquality (Stars of Informatics) Program.”

The meeting ended with the consultation of regulations on music broadcast times.

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