Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Durable Goods Council April meeting held

29.04.2021 / 

The April meeting of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Durable Consumer Goods Council was held via video conference under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Member Oğuzhan A. Sadıkoğlu and Council Vice President Onur Burak Özaydemir.​

TOBB Board Member Oğuzhan A. Sadıkoğlu stated in his opening speech that the protocol signed between TOBB and TÜRKPATENT will carry out projects aimed at improving cooperation between the university and industry, and that efforts will be made to increase the level of awareness of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the business world. He underlined that proposals, support and projects from members of Parliament are open for activities that can be carried out within the scope of the protocol.

Sadıkoğlu informed that the process of the Saudi Arabian government's embargo against Turkish export products and the ongoing raw material problem are closely monitored by TOBB.

At the meeting, the Ministry of Commerce informed the Council Members about the impact of the RCEP, ASEAN Agreements and the Belt-Road Project on the sector.

Within the scope of the agenda of the meeting, following the presentation made by Ahmet Çimoglu about the current economic outlook, Gürkan Özkırım informed about the current operational plans of the Commission on Market Supervision and Inspection, which continues to work within the Council.

The meeting ended after a presentation by Mustafa UÄŸuz on the cybersecurity practices of smart home appliances, smart televisions and smart small appliances in the United Kingdom.

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