Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Earthquake Legislation Training was carried out for Enterprises, Chambers and Exchanges

10.03.2021 / 

“Earthquake Legislation Training for Enterprises, Chambers and Exchanges,” was organized by Associate Professor Bülent Özmen from Gazi University Earthquake Engineering and Application Research Center in order to raise awareness of possible disasters for them and their members and to ensure that they start the necessary work immediately.​

During the training, information was provided regarding disaster management, Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation and requirements, new earthquake hazard map, ground and foundation study implementation principles and report format, Law no. 6306 on the Conversion of Areas at Risk of Disaster, Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Implementation of Law No. 6306, institutions and organizations authorized to identify risky structures, provincial disaster risk mitigation plans and principles, disaster and emergency management plan , Within the scope of Article 28 of the Disaster and Emergency Response Services Regulation, the Duties and Responsibilities of the Ministry, Institutions and Organizations, the Turkish Disaster Response Plan (TAMP) and corporate structuring in the event of a disaster.

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