Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Patent and Trademark Regents Council convened

29.01.2021 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkey Patent and Trademark Regents Council met with a full agenda via video conference under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken and Council President Kemal Yamankaradeniz.​

Hakan Ülken said in his opening speech that although the world is going through a difficult time, it is gratifying that all domestic applications made in 2020 have increased compared to 2019. Following the last Council meeting, on November 28, at the Summit hosted by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, he stated that sectoral problems were communicated to the relevant institutions through TOBB and a constructive meeting was held.

During the meeting the work of the Legislation, International Promotion and Interagency Promotion Sub-Commissions established in the previous meeting were shared with the Council Members, information was provided about the “Training Cooperation Protocol” envisioned to be signed between TOBB and the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority (TÜRKPATENT).

In addition, during the meeting, which consulted extensively on the practices of the Patent and Trademark Regents Disciplinary Regulations, the fight against those engaging in false practices about patent and trademark proxy and who discredited the profession with erroneous statements was discussed thoroughly.

The meeting ended with information given by public administration representatives about issues concerning members of the profession.

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