The President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in Paris for contacts with the French business world regarding the bill proposed at the French National Assembly to outlaw the denial of the Armenian genocide, met with Turkey’s Ambassador to France, Tahsin Burcuoğlu.​
"/>18.12.2011 / Paris
The President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in Paris for contacts with the French business world regarding the bill proposed at the French National Assembly to outlaw the denial of the Armenian genocide, met with Turkey’s Ambassador to France, Tahsin Burcuoğlu.​
The meeting took place at the Embassy where Hisarcıklıoğlu assessed the situation with Burcuoğlu and stated the sensitivity of the Turkish business world to the issue and that they would provide any support needed as TOBB.
Reminding that at the time of the meeting, there are 960 French companies operating in Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that in the last year alone 90 French companies have come to Turkey, that France’e exports to Turkey have increased by 12% in the last years, twice the increase of Turkey’s exports to France.
After the meeting, Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked the Ambassador Burcuoğlu, presenting him with a plaque.
Hisarcıklıoğlu will be meeting with businessmen, French officials and foundation representatives.
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